Tips for Dealing with Alzheimer’s Disease

March 26, 2009

5 Star Home Care quality homecare for seniors – call 404-719-4118.  Serving all areas in Metro Atlanta including Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cobb County, and  Gwinett County.

Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) at home is a difficult task and can become overwhelming at times. Each day brings new challenges as the caregiver copes with changing levels of ability and new patterns of behavior. These tips may help in overcoming some of those challenges.

Dealing with the Diagnosis

Finding out that a loved one has Alzheimer’s Disease can be stressful, frightening, and overwhelming. As you begin to take stock of the situation, here are some tips that may help:

Ask the doctor any questions you have about AD. Find out what treatments might work best to alleviate symptoms or address behavior problems.

 Find a support group where you can share your feelings and concerns. Members of support groups often have helpful ideas or know of useful resources based on their own experiences.Online support groups make it possible for caregivers to receive support without having to leave home.

Study your day to see if you can develop a routine that makes things go more smoothly. If there are times of day when the person with AD is less confused or more cooperative, plan your routine to make the most of those moments. Keep in mind that the way the person functions may change from day to day, so try to be flexible and adapt your routine as needed.

Consider using home care services  or respite services to ease the day-to-day demands of caregiving. These services allow you to have a break while knowing that the person with AD is being well cared for.

Begin to plan for the future. This may include getting financial and legal documents in order, investigating long-term care options, and determining what services are covered by health insurance and Medicare.


Trying to communicate with a person who has AD can be a challenge. Both understanding and being understood may be difficult.

  • Choose simple words and short sentences and use a gentle, calm tone of voice.
    Avoid talking to the person with AD like a baby or talking about the person as if he or she weren’t there.
  • Minimize distractions and noise—such as the television or radio—to help the person focus on what you are saying.
  • Call the person by name, making sure you have his or her attention before speaking.
  • Allow enough time for a response. Be careful not to interrupt.
  • If the person with AD is struggling to find a word or communicate a thought, gently try to provide the word he or she is looking for.
  • Try to frame questions and instructions in a positive way.

5 Star Home Care can assist you  and your family in your time of need. We have certified nursing assistants that are trained to assist your loved one with their daily activites of living so that YOU the family caregiver can take a break. For more information please call us at 404-719-4118.