Tips on Dealing with the Incontinence of your Parent or Loved One

April 24, 2013

images 25 Star Home Care servicing all of Metro Atlanta. For more information contact us at 404-719-4118. Please visit us on the web You can also check us out on and Twitter @5StarHomeCare1.
Tips on Dealing with the Incontinence of your Parent or Loved One

This is a sensitive subject to discuss with your loved one; it can be an emotional and agitating problem to deal with. The Caregiver is the one that is often hesitant to address the subject, with your loved one and this can be frustrating to deal with the situation. There are ways that you can manage this successfully and safely. There are a few tips you can use to guide you in determining the best way to handle the situation while maintaining their dignity.
• The most important thing when dealing with incontinence is to ensure that you maintain their dignity.
• It’s important to have an open and honest conversation about this if your loved one is mentally capable of having this conversation. If your loved one is suffering from cognitive impairment like Alzheimer’s or Dementia they may not be able to participate in this type of care.
• Make sure that you get a proper diagnosis from a doctor, to give a reason that is causing the incontinence and find any possible remedies, if any. Make sure that you have necessary supplies on hand, whatever the doctor has recommended for you to use.
• Make sure that the bathroom is easily accessible for them to use, even if they are wearing adult incontinence aids. They need to have a clear path to the bathroom, so be sure to remove any obstacles that may be in there way.
• Make sure that they have a proper diet and routine, certain foods can be triggers for incontinence. Make sure that you encourage them to go to the bathroom often; maybe you could put them on a schedule to go after every meal.
• Make sure that their surroundings are comfortable for them to dwell in. Sometimes many seniors may have accidents and the odor and damage to furniture and the carpeting in the home can be a little upsetting for them. There are products out there that you can use to protect the furniture from these kinds of accidents, such as under pads either the disposable or reusable ones. There are also air fresheners and cleaning aids that you can use to manage the odor.

Tips on How to Care for Your Aging Parents that are Hard to Please

April 17, 2013

5 Star Home Care servicing all of Metro Atlanta. For more information contact us at 404-719-4118. Please visit us on the web  You can also check us out on and Twitter @5StarHomeCare1.


                If you are currently dealing with an aging parent that drives you up the wall you are not alone. Your main goal is to do the right by them in their golden years. At times this can be a difficult for a caregiver. Here are some suggestions for you to follow as a family caregiver:

  1. Sometimes you may have to put yourself first. Don’t sacrifice your sanity for anyone. You can’t run yourself in the ground while taking care of someone else. Try to find others to assist you with caring for your parent to help take the load off of you. Take some time for yourself.
  2. We all have limitations, please know yours. Ask for help and don’t try to handle caring for your loved one all on your own, this can easily cause stress that can add to wear and tear on the body. Ultimately, causing your own health to decline.
  3. If the main goal of you caring for your parent is to receive praise from them for it you are wrong. Many of our parents are experiencing some sort of cognitive impairment such as Dementia or Alzheimer’s disease and the human brain does not function normally so you can’t expect a normal reaction from them. Do not expect your parent’s approval for the care you have provided them, just do it because it’s the right thing to do.
  4. Always love and appreciate you self for trying your best. Learn to appreciate your own effort, because being a caregiver can sometimes be a thankless job.
  5. Make sure that you take a break. We all get so wrapped up in our daily routines and we sometimes forget to take time for ourselves. Caring and nurturing our own mind, body and spirit is so important for your sanity.  The use of a friend, church member or family can be a great choice for giving you a break. Home Care Agencies can also provide respite or temporary relief for family members that are caring for their loved ones.

If you would like more information on how to obtain respite care please contact 5 Star Home Care at 404-719-4118 or visit us on the web

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What is Long Term Care Insurance and how can it Help You Pay for Home Care Services?

April 16, 2013

5 Star Home Care servicing all of Metro Atlanta. For more information contact us at 404-719-4118. Please visit us on the web You can also check us out on and Twitter @5StarHomeCare1.

Long term care insurance (LTC or LTCI), is a type of insurance product that is sold to help with cost associated with long term care provided for an undetermined amount of time. LTC insurance generally covers the care that Medicare and Health Insurance Companies will not cover. Most individuals that require long-term care are not sick in the traditional sense; however, they are not able to perform their basic activities of daily living (ADL’s). These individuals need assistance with ADL’s such as bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, walking and transferring from the bed or the chair. This type of insurance can be very beneficial for individuals with cognitive impairments such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Long term care insurance generally covers home care, assisted living, nursing home and Alzheimer’s facilities. When home care coverage is purchased, the LTC insurance company will pay for all home care services provided. Depending on the type of LTC insurance policy that you have coverage could begin on the first day of service or there could be a deductible period which usually does not last longer than 90 days. You will be allotted a certain dollar amount per day, which could cover an hourly or live in caregiver up to seven days a week, 24 hours a day or up to the policies benefit maximum.
If you have a policy that you are looking into utilizing it for yourself or your loved one please contact 5 Star Home Care for more information at 404-719-4118 or visit us on the web at

The Amount of Dementia Patients and Cost for Them are on the Rise in Georgia

April 10, 2013

5 Star Home Care servicing all of Metro Atlanta. For more information contact us at 404-719-4118. Please visit us on the web You can also check us out on and Twitter @5StarHomeCare1

By Lisa George of WABE News

“The Alzheimer’s Association says, in 2010, there were 120,000 Georgians with Alzheimer’s disease, and that number is expected to grow to 160,000 by 2025.

Leslie Anderson, President of the Alzheimer’s Association Georgia chapter, says 84% of Georgians in nursing homes have some kind of dementia. The average cost of nursing home care in Georgia is about $51,000 a year.

“Unlike, say, someone who has heart disease, they don’t necessarily have to have 24-hour a day, 7-day a week care,” said Anderson. “A person with Alzheimer’s disease, who is in the mid-stages and certainly the late stages, cannot be alone.” 

But not every dementia patient is in a nursing home. Anderson says there are indirect costs that cannot be quantified because so many family members take care of their loved ones who suffer from dementia. And there are also costs to the caregivers’ employers.

For example, said Anderson, “They might be late. They might have to take unpaid leaves of absence. So there’s a cost to the workplace as well as the family, and just the stress that’s placed on the caregiver is tremendous. And we find that caregivers are at a much higher risk for having health issues as well because that’s placed on them.”

The Atlanta Regional Commission reports that the 65 and older age segment is the fastest-growing in the metro area, meaning the costs of dementia here are all but guaranteed to continue to rise”.

Live in Care may be an option for your loved one with Alzheimer’s or Dementia for more information please contact a representative at 5 Star Home Care 404-719-4118.