Seniors with Memory Loss in Atlanta

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How to Help a Senior with Memory Loss

There is big a difference between a “senior moment” and serious memory loss. As more is learned about the effects of aging and early signs of disease, seniors may get distressed at not being able to remember and think it is a sign of a serious condition.


Observe and take notes. Mentally note the memory lapses and write them down later. This will help establish a pattern and determine if the memory loss is short-term or long-term.

Take the senior to the doctor, and bring along your written observations. Memory loss can signal serious illness such as the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. A stressful event such as a recent move or a death of a friend can also trigger temporary memory loss.


See if alcohol helps. This is not a license to drink to excess, however, studies show alcohol in moderation can help with memory. Check with a doctor first.


Organize, organize, organize. Talk with the senior. Find out the best place or places to keep keys, glasses, medicines and other important items.


Encourage talking out loud. Get a senior in the habit of saying things such as “I am turning off the stove” or “I have locked the door.” Not only does saying it out loud help her remember tasks, it helps her remember that she accomplished the task.


Watch for change. Some memory loss in aging is to be expected, but any major changes from your first observations should be reported to a doctor.

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