Elderly Home Care In Atlanta, Dekalb County, Fulton County, Cobb County, Gwinnett County

December 30, 2008

Elderly Home Care: Best option for Elder CareBy  5 Star Home Care

Elder care is such an issue that many of us might find ourselves dealing with it. We could be facing the duty of caring our elderly loved one, elder parents or a friend. The issue of elder care becomes significant when cases of broken bone or signs of dementia occur between elders. Added to this if any elderly family member has just returned from hospital, their proper caring becomes an important issue. In most of the cases the nature of these conditions tends to be fragile. Hence, situations demands adequate assistance in everyday activity. In order to ensure the welfare of elder adults, elderly home care is the best available options.
Sometimes, elder people refuse to shift to other places, even if the situation demands. For example, due to higher education or better career options relocating become inevitable. Sometimes, senior adults suffer from a sense of insecurity and lack the self-confidence. They prefer to stay at their own known place. Under this kind of situation, home care services for the elderly are one of the effective solutions. Elder care is not limited to providing medical care. The aim of elderly home care ensures that senior adults lead an active lifestyle. Elderly home care ensures that adults become self-sufficient as much as possible. The caregivers or the companions help the adults in taking part in various activities according to their interest. With an active body, the mind equally becomes active, thereby adults regaining their self-confidence. Locating elderly home care service becomes an easy job, if you take the help of Internet. You can also ask your friends and colleagues about the numerous types of services available with home care. But it would be sensible, if you hold a conversation with your elderly loved one before taking the service of elder home care. With this conversation, you will be able to know about the preferences of near one and avail the service accordingly. It is a pity that many senior citizens are moved to nursing-homes or hospitals, who might just require helping hand in running daily tasks of life. The solution to this type of problems lies in the hand of elderly home care services. Senior citizens, who need non-medical support, are also benefitted from this service. Senior home care services can provide a substitute to long-term care. Since, in most of the cases working persons are unable to give adequate time, the variant services of the senior home care service works as a good alternative. These services include light housekeeping, meal preparation, errands and shopping, respite care, meditation assistance, hygiene assistance to name a few. The longer period senior citizen spends time at their own home, they will stay healthy both physically and mentally. Take advantage of 5 Star Home Care  to ensure a better life of your elderly loved one. Call us today at 404-719-4118 or visit us on the web at www.5starhomecare.com 

Home Care Solutions for Seniors in Atlanta, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Cobb County, Gwinett County

December 24, 2008

Home Care Solutions for Seniors



5 Star Home Care is the ideal solution for elderly or disabled individuals who want to maintain their independence and dignity by continuing to live in the comfort of their own homes. Our caregivers make their lives easier by performing many of the tasks which have become difficult and tiring. 5 Star Home Care offers two levels of care to meet our client’s needs:

Companion / Homemaker Services:

• Driving and/or accompanying the client to the physician when necessary
• Shopping and performing other household errands
• Reminding clients to take their medication
• Supervising ambulation and helping to prevent falls
• Taking care of all personal laundry and bed linens for the client
• Preparing and serving meals according to client’s dietary needs
• Cleaning the bathroom and kitchen after use, including washing dishes after meals and mopping the floor
• Making and changing the bed
• Cleaning the client’s room, which includes dusting and vacuuming
• Providing respite for family caregivers
• Helping with correspondence to family and friends
• Providing socialization, friendship and support for the client
• Going on walks and encouraging and participating in stimulating activities

Personal Care Services:

• Assistance with dressing and bathing
• Toileting
• Personal hygiene assistance
• Assistance with range of motion exercises

5 Star Home Care recognizes the fact that certain illnesses and afflictions are more common to seniors. Therefore, we provide special training to our caregivers on communicating with persons who have Alzheimer’s and related Dementia, Hearing Loss and Aphasia, which ensures a higher level of care for our clients. If nursing or full home healthcare services become necessary, we can refer you to an appropriate home health care agency.

Contact us at

404-719-4118 or visit us on the web http://www.5starhomecare.com


Home Care for Seniors in Atlanta, Fulton County, Gwinett County, Cobb County, Dekalb County

December 18, 2008

Concerned About your loved one? We understand

5 Star Home Care offers a variety of affordable, personalized homecare services to provide your elderly, handicapped/disabled, or recuperating family members with the special care and companionship they require, tailored to their specific needs. We understand the delicate balance involved – providing necessary care without feelings of resentment, helplessness or despair.

Our dedicated caregivers are experienced with seniors and the infirmed in various stages from those requiring a little help with shopping, housekeeping, doctor’s appointment’s, and errands, to those with limited mobility needing personal care to those with care-intensive conditions such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease.

We make better caregiver client matches because we carefully screen our caregivers who are given a personality test to ensure their personality type matches with the clients personality. Then their criminal history is checked through the State of Georgia. We are also licensed, insured and bonded. 5 Star Home Care offers highly skilled caregivers, companions and nursing staff on a convenient, flexible hourly or 24-hour live-in basis.

How do we get started?

Initially, we review all needs and concerns through discussions with family members and the care recipient. Our skilled Registered Nurse will perform a FREE comprehensive assessment of your loved one and consult with their treating physician’s, social workers, hospitals, or nursing home staff. As a 5 Star Home Care client, our RN will also monitor and assess the care recipient on an on-going basis to ensure their well-being and recommend any updates in care.By collaborating with the family, we develop an individualized plan to manage your parent or others’ daily living activities. We then match their needs to the best possible caregiver and services, allowing you to participate in the selection process. This includes you actually meeting the caregiver before services commence.

Once the caregiver has been placed in your home, we monitor attendance, care and progress via our unique care plan and assessment process system that includes telephone check-in and home visits. Most importantly, we continually communicate with the assigned caregiver, the family and the care recipient.       5 Star Home Care offers peace of mind and the proper attention your loved one requires.

For more information please contact one of us at 404-719-4118 or visit us on the web at www.5starhomecare.com

24 hour Liven Care for Seniors in Atlanta,Dekalb county,Cobb county, Fulton county,Gwinett county

December 18, 2008

Live-In Care

Live-In Care is an arrangement that provides continuous, supervised home health care services in a manner that maintains the client’s independence, security, health and safety…all at a reasonable cost.

A Live-In arrangement is one in which the client’s needs are attended to on a continuous basis. The primary caregiver in this arrangement is the live-in employee of 5 Star Home Care who moves into the client’s home and is provided with room and board. The Live-In works as needed with the client throughout the week on a 24-hour basis. However, the Live-In must have at least 12 hours of personal time off per 24 hours for such things as sleeping, eating, and bathing. The live-in caregiver will stay on premises during these periods of personal time off.

Live-In employees require 35 additional hours off per week during which they can leave the premises when they are completely relieved of care giving responsibilities. This relief time promotes caregiver well being and avoids “burnout.” 5 Star Home Care offers two options for scheduling relief. In the “Scheduled Relief” option, 5 Star Home Care takes responsibility for scheduling respite caregivers for the Live-In. All such respite caregivers are employees of 5 Star Home Care, and they are responsible for attending to the client’s needs while the Live-In is off-duty. A second option is called “Client/Family Relief.” Here the client or the family arranges for relief of the Live-In. Selecting this option results in lower weekly costs of services for Live-In coverage.

Our Live-In Services Include:
(free or without additional charges)

  • FREE initial consultation with our Service Consultant.
  • Initial assessment by Registered Nurse  Supervisor, including home and environmental safety assessment.
  • Regular visits and telephone calls by Nursing Supervisor to assess client needs, oversee progress, and supervise employees.
  • Registered Nurses on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for urgent telephone consultation.
  • Individualized plan of care and maintenance of care records.
  • Ongoing caregiver scheduling support.
  • Carefully screened and selected employees based on skills, attitude, client compatibility, and sincere interest in delivering quality care.

If you are considering live-in care for you or your loved ones please contact us at 404-719-4118, or visit us on the web at www.5starhomecare.com.

Senior Care In Atlanta, Futlon, Cobb, Dekalb, Gwinett

December 12, 2008


December 12, 2008 by 5 Star Home Care

We begin by reviewing your needs through discussions with involved family members; when necessary we consult with the physician(s) of the care recipient, social workers, hospitals, or nursing home staff.

Next, working in conjunction with the family, we develop an individualized program to manage your daily needs. We match your needs to the best possible caregiver, bring them to your home and ask you to participate in the selection process.

After the caregiver has been placed in your home, we continue our unique system of continued personalized contacts through telephone check-in, home visits. Most important, we continually communicate with the caregiver who is providing care to you.

5 Star Home Care provides the following services:

  • Hygiene Assistance
  • Meal Preparation
  • Light Housekeeping
  • Errands, Shopping, Walks
  • Medication Reminders
  • Joyful Companionship
  • Low Hourly Rates
  • Transportation to doctor’s appointments, senior centers with computer classes, movies and day trips!
  • Hourly to 24 hour care for homebound and fragile care recipients
  • Temporary or Long term
  • Weekends, Holidays
  • Respite for Family Caregivers

Remember, that 5 Star Home Care is here to support you, not to take charge of your life. Please feel free to contact us at 404-719-4118 if we can be of any assistance and enjoy your day!

Visit us on the web at www.5starhomecare.com


December 10, 2008

5 Star Home Care – Atlanta Alzheimer & Dementia Care for elders & seniors living in Atlanta, Alpharetta, Fulton County, Dekalb County, and Gwinett County – Call us at 404-719-4118

Caring for a person with Alzheimer’s disease at home is a challenging task that  can become overwhelming at times. Each day brings new demands and opportunities  as the caregiver copes with changing levels of ability and new patterns of behavior. In any demanding situation, the better you care for yourself, the better you will be able to care for your loved one.

Setting up home care

Soon after a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, it will be necessary to get started on making changes that help provide a sense of well being and physical safety for the affected person. Things that were taken for granted before, such as home safety and socializing, will now require some planning. There will be a need to communicate in new ways and make changes to the home environment. These changes include:

  • Adjusting your communication style to the patient’s changing needs as the disease progresses. This is discussed throughout Part II of this series from talking to the early-stage Alzheimer’s patient who is in denial, to handling aggressive or paranoid behavior in the middle stage, then relating to the dying patient.
  • Scheduling visitors to avoid surprises and have something to look forward to. Even if the elder with dementia does not recognize those who visit, the contact is nonetheless valuable for them.
  • Establishing routines in activities of daily living
  • Maintaining social contacts and fun
  • Setting up a safe home environment
  • Considering placement in a facility if caregiving becomes unmanageable at home

Routines in Alzheimer’s care

As symptoms progress, unfamiliar people, places and activities can be upsetting or confusing. Routines are reassuring to Alzheimer’s patients.

Here are some recommendations as mid-stage Alzheimer’s begins:

  • Structure the day.
  • Provide consistent environmental cues about time of day.
  • Help the person to look forward to milestones of the day, such as bathing, dressing, meal preparation and eating, going outdoors, having visitors, getting ready for bed. Talk about the upcoming markers of the day.
  • Enlist the patient in accomplishing small tasks around the house or yard.
  • Keep the environment familiar. Put things in expected places. Novelty and surprise are not helpful to most Alzheimer’s patients.
  • Be near the person. Many dementia patients feel most comfortable if their caregiver is nearby. You do not have to talk or entertain them.
  • Create a routine around regular toilet visits, to avoid embarrassment, discomfort, or medical complications. The caregiver may have to help with hygiene. In late-stage Alzheimer’s, adult diapers are often needed.

Keeping the Alzheimer’s patient safe

At some point, you will need to determine that it is no longer safe to leave the Alzheimer’s patient alone in the house for more than a few minutes. Some warning signs that this time has arrived are when the patient:

  • forgets to turn off the stove when done cooking, or the faucet when they are done using the water
  • forgets to close the front door
  • forgets to turn off is no longer able to use the telephone to call for assistance from neighbors or emergency personnel (e.g., to call 911)
  • does not notice dangerous situations such as fire, or spilled water on the floor
  • is unpredictable or confused under stressful conditions
  • is no longer happy when left alone at home: is agitated, depressed, or withdrawn
  • wanders or becomes disoriented
  • does not realize that some activities he/she engages in are ones that now require supervision, such as cooking, ironing, or bathing.
  • Keep evaluating whether the person can be left alone, until you finally determine that it is time to supervise or be with the Alzheimer’s patient at all times. This may be when you first seek outside helpers to be with the patient while you sleep, go grocery shopping, or have some respite care.
  • Outside helpers or respite caregivers  can assist the family when they  may need a  much needed break. That is why you should call us to set you up with an experienced and licensed  caregiver from 5 Star Home Care.

5  Star Home Care employees are  patient as well as very creative caregivers. They have experience working with clients that have alzheimer’s and/or dementia. For more information about help for you and your loved ones in Atlanta call an expert at 404-250-3248. Check out out our website at www.5starhomecare.com


December 10, 2008

Live-In Specialists
There are many instances where home care is required, but why choose a live-in caregiver versus hourly care for your loved one? A 5 Star Home Care live-in caregiver offers you the optimum in home care at a surprisingly affordable rate. Did you know that the daily flat rate for a live-in caregiver equates to about eleven hours of hourly care? Not only is this a significant financial value, but your loved one benefits from a caregiver being in the home around the clock.

In addition to affordability, a 5 Star Home Care live-in caregiver offers unsurpassed care and companionship. Your loved one can develop a trusting relationship with his or her caregiver. Likewise, our caregiver will really get to know your loved one, including his or her daily activities and preferences. Everything from a favorite lunch to preferred hobbies and pastimes. Live-in home care offers our caregiver and your loved one a chance to become friends.

There is nothing more important than continuity of care for your loved one—day in and day out.  A live-in caregiver is always there, providing the same caring style seven days a week, with no disruption to the client’s routine. 5 Star Home Care is dedicated to ensuring constant and consistent home care. Even when your caregiver needs a day off, we provide a trained relief caregiver to ensure continuous and seamless care.

Opting for a live-in caregiver to care for your loved one can also be a constant source of comfort. Nothing compares to knowing that a quality, trained and compassionate live-in caregiver is with your loved one at all times. Finding consistent, quality of care from a licensed agency you can trust is essential to your peace of mind. Please contact a 5 Star Home Care reprsentative about  live-in care at 404-719-4118

Senior Home Care Services Can Provide an Alternative to Long-Term Care

December 4, 2008


As the population ages, more and more people will face the reality of an older adult who may need assistance to live independently. For many in this group, a nursing home or retirement center is more than they need; and yet complete independence isn’t realistic, either.

One option that is becoming increasingly available across the nation is senior home care services. These services allow many people to remain in their homes and enjoy the independence of their daily routines and familiar surroundings. Senior Home care services typically provide non-medical help with daily living tasks including meal preparation, light housekeeping, errands or even simple companionship.

When considering a senior home care service, it’s important to know about the agency providing the service and its process for screening and matching its employees with care recipients.

It’s never easy to make the decision to invite a stranger into your home to provide senior care home. But there are steps to take and questions you should ask of an agency that can help minimize the emotional trauma of leaving a loved one at home alone.

Of course, the first requirement is a criminal background check for any caregiver. However, we also believe it’s important to screen for intangible traits such as a caring personality and a desire to help people.

The most important step in screening is to verify the quality of the caregiver’s employment history while choosing a caregiver from any senior home care agency. Many senior home care agencies focus on building relationships with each client.

After a caregiver has been placed with a client, the agency should continues to monitor service through telephone calls and in-home visits to make sure the client is satisfied with the caregiver and the services provided.

Senior home care agencies now provide a range of non-medical services including assistance with hygiene (subject to restrictions in some states), meal preparation, light housekeeping, errands and shopping, weekend or holiday care, live-in or live-out care, temporary or long-term, and respite for family care givers. A senior home care agency also provides personalized care for seniors as an alternative to assisted living facilities or nursing homes. The longer a senior can remain in their own home, the more active both mentally and physically they will stay. Companions provided from home care agencies can help an individual with their routine and assist in their activities. It is a priority for a patient to continue to live a healthy lifestyle, which maintains a sharp mind, and using elder care services contributes to this goal.

For more information on how 5 Star Home Care is the best Senior Home Care  provider for your family, Please call 404-250-3248 or  visit www.5starhomecare.com Now!