Senior Health & Hearing Loss Tips in Atlanta

Can they hear me now?

When talking with older persons who may have a hearing loss, here are simple tips:

  • Find a quiet place to converse, get away from loud traffic or office noises. Eliminate background noise; music, television or other conversations.
  • Loss of hearing can begin with loss of higher frequency sounds; a condition called presbycusis.  So, lower the pitch of your voice.
  • Most older adults cannot listen as fast as they could when they were younger. Be conscious of the pace of your speech. Make sure it’s deliberate. Check often with your listeners to ensure they heard what you said.
  • It is important to maintain eye contact. Persons with some degree of hearing loss add to their comprehension by non-verbal signals. Face-to-face communication is critical.
  • Please do not shout. Many people automatically raise their voices when speaking with older seniors, thinking it is necessary. It usually isn’t. Clarity is what’s important.


More conversational tips in a day. Please visit soon.

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