Memory Loss Help in Atlanta & Fulton County

October 21, 2008

5 Star Home Care – Atlanta Dementia Care for elders & seniors living in Atlanta, Alpharetta, Fulton County, Dekalb County, and Gwinett County – Call us at 404-719-4118 Gives Tips for Senior Brain Health.

Subscribe to a daily online newsletter.

Whether it’s a “word of the day,” “quote of the day” or “this day in history” newsletter, receiving new information each day will add data to the HD (hard drive) in your head. The mental stimulation will increase your comprehension skills.

Pick up a book.

Choose from classic literature, science fiction or self-improvement books and give your brain a boost. Pick up a novel before your next business flight or vacation. On top of the cerebral benefits, the escapism that comes from reading can be refreshing. Reading helps you exercise your cognitive skills and increase your vocabulary.

Take a course.

Learn something new. Sign up for a cooking class, register for karate training or enroll in a wine-tasting seminar. You’ll be challenging yourself to assimilate new concepts, information and ideas, and you’ll hone your retention skills through memorization.

Learn a new language.

Attend classes, listen to tapes or date someone with whom you can converse in another language. Instead of watching the same TV programs you always do, take in a foreign-language movie with subtitles. Learning a new tongue keeps your brain flexible and your mind sharp, helping to reduce the slowing of the thought processes that comes with age.

Grab the controller.

Believe it or not, playing certain video games really can be good for your health. The operative word here, however, is “certain”: choose games that involve strategy or problem solving. Problem-solving and role-playing games will help you practice strategic planning. You’ll also improve your hand-eye coordination.

These exercises are from

10 Absolutes for Working with a Person with Memory Loss

October 15, 2008

These Helps Should Actually Make Life Easier for the Care Giver

*   Never ARGUE, instead AGREE

*   Never REASON, instead DIVERT

*   Never SHAME, instead DISTRACT

*   Never LECTURE, instead REASSURE

*   Never say, “I TOLD YOU SO,” instead, just REPEAT

*   Never say “YOU CAN’T,” instead say, “DO WHAT YOU CAN”

*   Never COMMAND or DEMAND, instead ASK or MODEL


*   Never FORCE, instead REINFORCE

5 Star HomeCare employees are patient and creative care givers.  They are experienced  and  creative when working with clients with memory loss. They practice the above principles and more.  For information about help for seniors in Georgia, call Devin or Tamar at 404-719-4118.  Check out our website at

Home health care in Atlanta- Cobb County – Gwinett County- Dekalb County

October 14, 2008

Home health care in Atlanta– Challenges Faced by Siblings in Caring for Aging Parents

The American family is like amoeba – dynamic and ever changing. What hasn’t changed over the years, however, is the need for caring and protecting aged parents.

Today, it has become more common for families to care for their aged members even though this situation often receives a mixed response. When a family faces such a situation, it becomes necessary to outline some familial boundaries among siblings.

This is because when faced with the pressures of aged care-giving, family members often disagree as to what is best for the parent. This often leads to tension, and even the closest of siblings can come to loggerheads over deciding the terms of care. This sets in cracks in sibling relationships, which can ultimately break down a close bond, a disadvantage considering the need for sibling support during the parent’s latter years.

Research on the aging population shows when it comes to caring for a particular parent, there is generally one child that assumes an overwhelming part – 99 percent – of the responsibility. Unfortunately, it is this one individual that bears the heaviest burden and has to compromise the most in his or her personal life.

More on our topic tomorrow, visit soon.

5 Star Home Care – Atlanta in-home non medical care for elders & seniors living in Atlanta, Cobb County, Gwinett County, Dekalb County – Call us at 404-719-4118

Atlanta Better Senior Living at Home

October 13, 2008

If you are a senior living in Atlanta, or surronding areas- you may trying to save money during this tough economic times. We found a great blog that you can visit often to get tips on saving money on food items, gas, utilites and more.

Many Atlanta seniors have had to tighten their budgets to make room for more spending on gas.

1. Maintain your vehicle. A vehicle that runs smoothly uses less gas than one that is poorly maintained.

2. Keep your tires inflated. Actually, studies have shown that the savings on gas isn’t huge, but it does make a small difference to keep your tires inflated to the recommended pressure.

3. Don’t drive during rush hour. Go to work, and come home from work, either earlier or later if possible, to avoid the rush hour.

4. Telecommute. Working from home can save tons in gas, not to mention giving you more time, productivity, and happiness.

5. Remove weight. Driving with more people, and more stuff in your car, drags the car and requires more fuel.

6. Minimize idling. One of the worst offenders in lowering your gas mileage, idling gets you zero miles per gallon.

7. Drive slower. Driving the speed limit is more fuel efficient than speeding.

8. Accelerate and brake easier. Driving too agressively, especially starting fast and braking fast, is bad for fuel economy.

9. Use higher gears. Driving fast in low gears is bad for fuel economy as well.

10. Buy a fuel-efficient car. Actually, this is the most important tip on this list. A heavier car wastes gas.

11. Roll up windows on highway. While many people think they’re saving money by turning off the air-conditioner, it actually creates a strong drag if you are driving fast with the windows down.

12. Don’t top off. Topping off while you are filling up your tank is a waste of gas, as any gas that you top off will spill or otherwise be wasted.

13. Park in shade. A hot car evaporates gas. If it’s a hot day, park in the shade, and use your garage.

14. Walk. Driving less is a great way to save gas. If you have to make a trip of only a few blocks, try walking instead. You will burn fat instead of gas.

5 STAR HOMECARE– Atlanta Dementia Care for elders & seniors living in Atlanta, Gwinett County, Cobb County, Dekalb County Call us at 404-719-4118.

Senior Health & Hearing Loss Tips in Atlanta

October 8, 2008

Can they hear me now?

When talking with older persons who may have a hearing loss, here are simple tips:

  • Find a quiet place to converse, get away from loud traffic or office noises. Eliminate background noise; music, television or other conversations.
  • Loss of hearing can begin with loss of higher frequency sounds; a condition called presbycusis.  So, lower the pitch of your voice.
  • Most older adults cannot listen as fast as they could when they were younger. Be conscious of the pace of your speech. Make sure it’s deliberate. Check often with your listeners to ensure they heard what you said.
  • It is important to maintain eye contact. Persons with some degree of hearing loss add to their comprehension by non-verbal signals. Face-to-face communication is critical.
  • Please do not shout. Many people automatically raise their voices when speaking with older seniors, thinking it is necessary. It usually isn’t. Clarity is what’s important.


More conversational tips in a day. Please visit soon.

Convalesce Home Care- Seniors in in Atlanta Atlanta & Vocal Surgery

October 7, 2008
Home Care Atlanta, Fulton County, Dekalb County, and Gwinett County offers home care help for seniors and elders when rehabilitating from surgery. Call us at 404-719-4118


The Basics

• People seek solutions for the effects that aging have on the voice (i.e. wobbles and tremors)
• Individuals may spend $15,000 for a face lift, and sound much older when they speak,
according to Dr Robert Sataloff
• Vocal cords are affected by use just like any other part of the body, from talking, yelling
and singing
• 2 types of voice lifts are available to correct the effects of aging
• Implants – an incision is made in the neck and implants are inserted to bring the vocal
cords together
• Injections –  fat or collagen are injected into the vocal cords that plump them up and
restore youthful elasticity
• Until recently, voice surgery has been performed only on those who damaged their
voices due to disease or injury; while the exact number of voice lifts for cosmetic purposes is unknown, voice lifts are representing a growing number out of the millions of plastic surgeries performed

Recovery & Complications

• The recovery for these procedures can vary from a few days to a few weeks, dependent upon the type of surgery performed and the patient’s own history
• Rarely do these procedures make voices worse, however, the procedure may not bring
sufficient results for the patients
• Patients are put under general anesthesia, and since they are unable to speak during
the procedure, its impossible for doctors to know what the outcome will be until the patient wakes up
• Some individuals may need to undergo multiple surgeries in order to attain the results
they want through fine tuning.

Other Non-Surgical Options for Younger Voices

According to the Philadelphia Ear, Nose & Throat Association suggest the following options in lieu of undergoing cosmetic surgery.

• Undergo a comprehensive voice evaluation – this is essential in order to rule out any medical complications that may be causing vocal changes
• Therapy – see a laryngologist and speech therapist to assist with aerobic conditioning
that will help strengthen the power and source of your voice
• Train for your craft – if you are an actor or singer, work with an additional voice coach in
that field
• Medication – some may help, speak with your doctor

Senior Hearing Loss – Good Health in Atlanta Georgia

October 6, 2008

Can You Hear Me Now?

Hearing Loss in Seniors is a problem for many!

The most common response seniors in Atlanta get from spouses, family, and friends to questions a senior asks is, “What?”  A few think that this is a case of selective hearing, in which longtime married couples have trained themselves never to hear anything the other is saying. But it is likely that it’s hearing loss. There’s a lesson in that for seniors.

33% of adults in Atlanta have at least some degree of hearing loss by age 60. It affects more than 28 million people in the United States. It can have an enormous impact on an individual’s health and well-being by making it difficult to locate the origin of a sound, understand speech in a noisy atmosphere or contribute to a conversation. This can contribute to confusion, frustration, tension, social isolation, stress and depression.

5 Star Home Care – Atlanta Georgia Dementia Care for elders & seniors living in Atlanta, Fulton County, Dekalb County, Gwinett County, Cobb County Call us at 404-719-4118


October 3, 2008

5 STAR HOME CARE is the ideal solution for elderly or disabled individuals who want to maintain their independence and dignity by continuing to live in the comfort of their own homes. Our companions make their lives easier by performing many of the tasks which have become difficult and tiring.  Call us today at 404-719-4118

  • Companions / Personal care assistants may provide a wide array of services, including:
  • Personal care tasks (IE: bathing and hygiene)
  • Driving and/or accompanying the client to the physician when necessary
  • Shopping and performing other household errands
  • Reminding clients to take their medication
  • Providing hygiene assistance
  • Supervising ambulation and helping to prevent falls
  • Taking care of all personal laundry and bed linens for the client
  • Preparing and serving meals according to client’s dietary needs
  • Cleaning the bathroom and kitchen after use, including washing dishes after meals and mopping the floor
  • Making and changing the bed
  • Cleaning the client’s room, which includes dusting and vacuuming
  • Providing respite for family caregivers
  • Helping with correspondence to family and friends
  • Providing socialization, friendship and support for the client
  • Going on walks and encouraging and participating in stimulating activities
  • Best Senior Home Care recognizes the fact that certain illnesses and afflictions are more common to seniors.

Therefore, we provide special training to our caregivers on communicating with persons who have Alzheimer’s and related Dementia, Hearing Loss and Aphasia, which ensures a higher level of care for our clients.